
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hey all you gurlz, well its about time for a BIG dose of McKenna, your favorite! Today I am going to share some of my ways that I like to pack for trips! And, since I have to go away on Monday to a gymnastics meet, its the perfect time to show you how I pack!

First of all, you'll need lots of clothes, so I brought in a big pile of mine.
Let's see, I'll be gone for 3 days, so that means I'll need. . . .9 outfits!
Once you've set aside your regular clothes, its time to choose some pajamas! I'm sure Olivia won't mind if I borrow these.
Then, pack any extra clothes you'll need, which for me involves my work out clothes,
my leotard,
and some athletic shoes.
Then you'll need a bag to put some fun things to do for the ride there.
For me, I bring my phone,

some books,

my laptop,



and my journal.

Then, I pack my sports bag with things like water bottles, trail mix, and my gymnastics ID card.
Then, you can get a box to put hair stuff in, like brushes, bows, hair ties, and headbands.
Then, you can use a giant bucket to put all your stuff in! I'm sure these blankets won't miss it too much.
Then, add all your clothes and shoes first. Whoa, I guess that's all that fits any way.
This bag will work to put my box of hair stuff and gymnastics bag  in.
And, of course, keep your backpack with you in the car!
And, your done packing for your trip! I hope my advice and flawless pictures of me will help you pack for your next adventure! And, wish me luck for my meet on Tuesday!

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