
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Julie in the Kitchen: Let's Make Pretzels!

Welcome back everyone to our third day of Julie in the Kitchen. Together, we have made pie and pizza, and today, we get to make some good old fashioned pretzels!

Starting with the dough, add salt, baking powder and soda, and flour to warm water and stir into a dough.

 Roll the dough into a snake-like shape.

And make it into a pretzel shape (sorry it's sideways).

Then, add lots of salt!

 Bake it for fifteen minutes, or until it becomes a golden brown color, and your done!

Come back tomorrow for the next recipe: How to make chocolate cupcakes!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Julie in the Kitchen: Let's Make Raspberry Pie!

Hello, all you girls and dollies, and welcome to day two of Julie in the Kitchen! Today, we are making raspberry pie. Yummmmy.

Well guys, I am so excited, so let's get started!

Sorry guys, my crust recipe is a family secret! But, you can always find a recipe online!

Fold up the corners to prepare for your filling!

Add raspberries, sugar, and cream to a pan and puree it.

Put your filling into the pie crust, bake it on high for an hour and a half, and you're done! This pie looks AWESOME!

Be sure to come back tomorrow for our next segment: Let's make pretzels!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Julie in the Kitchen: Let's Make Pizza!

Hello everyone, and welcome to Julie in the Kitchen! This week I will be showing you guys how to make a series of delicious treats! Today, I am going to show you how to make pizza!

Let's get started!

Start by cutting up some pepperoni!

Get it simmering by stirring it up in a pan.

Start your dough by adding salt, flour, and baking soda to warm water.

Knead the dough and let it sit.

Let's move on to the sauce.

Add tomatoes, garlic, and salt to a pan and puree it into a thick sauce.

Great! My dough is ready. Let's roll it into a circle shape.

Add your sauce,

grated cheese,

and finally, your toppings!

Bake it in the oven for 1 hour at 350 degrees, and you're done! Who wants a slice?

Check back tomorrow for our next segment; Let's Make Raspberry Pie!

Friday, July 26, 2013

This or That: New American Girl Items!

Hi everyone, its about time for another this or that, and what better thing to do it on than AG'S new items?

JLY number 59 or JLY number 60?


 Flower Sweater and Skirt set or Striped Hoodie Outfit?

School Days outfit or Tropical Bloom outfit?

Talent Show set or Witch Costume?

2-in-1 Track Outfit or Basketball Outfit?

School Locker Set or Campus Snack Cart?

Science Lab Set or School Backpack Set?

Stackable Lunch Set or Delicious Breakfast?

My Opinions:
JLY #59, She looks just like me!
Striped Hoodie, I love colored denim!
Tropical Bloom, I love the colors!
Talent Show set, it is so cute and fun!
2-in-1 track, I love the two colors!
School locker set, SOO fun!
Science lab set, it would make school awesome!
Stackable Lunch set, they should make those in real life!

Those are just my opinions, I would love to hear yours! Just comment below with your answers!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Twinkies Are Back!!!

Hey girls its Julie here, with some awesome news! About a week ago, the company Hostess came back! And you know what that means...... Twinkies are back!!! We missed them so much, so we just had to go to
 the store and get some!

 Want to make some for your dolls? Just follow these simple instructions:

All you need is a golden-yellow color of felt, some stuffing, and a little bit of sewing skills.

Cut out a square or rectangle of felt, and place the stuffing in the middle for size.

Cut the square/rectangle exactly in half.

Thread a needle, and sew the pieces together using the crossover stitch. Be sure to keep one of the smaller ends open.

When you are done sewing, turn it inside out. Then, stuff it full with stuffing!

Sew the open end closed, and....

You're done! Now, to enjoy my delicious twinkie!

Hey, Olivia, what are you doing?!?! And where's my twinkie?!

*Burrrp *Oh, right, hehe, where did that go? Uhh, twinkies rule!

Uggh, oh well, I'm off to go make another twinkie. Peace out, peoples.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Opinion On the Saige Movie

Hey everyone! As you know, the premiere of Saige's movie, Saige Paints the Sky, was on tv Saturday night! Today, I will be giving you all my opinions on the movie.

My overall grade for this movie is a  B.
Here's why:

Storyline: I was really disappointed with Gabi's character. They completely changed her!!! I was super excited to see her train Saige's dog, and train Picasso to paint! But, they changed her. She was a fashion designer who drew anime cartoons for fun. That was super disappointing.

Acting: I feel like in some parts, the acting was SUPER cheesy. Like, for me,especially in the beginning when Saige is getting ready for school. And, some parts Saige had some major attitude problems, unrealistic, even.
But, while it was a very cute, fun  movie, I wish they had stuck to the story line more. I feel like AG NAILED that in the McKenna movie, but that is just me.

What did you think of the Saige movie?